Our goal is to create a community of buyers inside Carmate. They will be able to find and meet shoppers with similar interests directly in the Cartmate feed. We believe that Cartmate will become a real shopping metaverse!
We know that the process of creating mobile sales channel is surrounded by a number of myths about its inaccessibility and complexity. It is time-consuming, thousands of dollars and requires special programming. The result? Many businesses make many costly decisions for creating their Shopify store in a mobile app. We are against all that.
Any company whose customers make more than 1 click on a smartphone while shopping is missing out. Mobile services is getting over regular ways of shopping, and we believe that we create the best sales channel.
We know that a process of creating mobile apps is surrounded by a big number of myths about its inaccessibility and complexity, timespending and requires special coding. The result is that many companies have an opinion that it is to costly. We are against it and we work to change it forever for the better.
Any project should be simple, fast, affordable, and with a transparent purpose from the very beginning. We always provide solutions. We speak the language of selling. We support you through your journey. We are here for your success!
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